Clinicals & Related Articles

We have collected, an assortment of “Infection control” related articles, studies and interesting links we believe are relevant to our audience.  Education and knowledge are power in the fight against ignorance and spread of harmful germs. If you would like any additional information or help, please contact us on 1300 668 755 or send an email to

Disinfection of N95 masks during the coronavirus crisis

Biological Efficacy of Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour St Vincent's Hospital

"C-Difficile" by Dr F. Bardut University Pierre & Marie Curie Paris

MSD Sheet
Declarataion Coronavirus

MSD Sheet
SDS nocolyse food en 11.17

MSD Sheet
SDS nocolyse en 11.17

MSD Sheet
SDS nocolyse one shot en 11.17

MSD Sheet
SDS oxypy en 11.17

MSD Sheet
SDS oxypy+ en 1 11.17

MSD Sheet
technical data sheet nocolyse_11.17

MSD Sheet
technical data sheet nocolyse food 11.17

MSD Sheet

MSD Sheet
technical data sheet oxypy+ 11.17

"C-Difficile" by Dr F. Bardut University Pierre & Marie Curie Paris

Australian guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare

Basic Infection Control And Prevention Plan for Outpatient Oncology Settings

Ebola virus and interest to use NocoSpray/ Nocolyse system

Efficacy of the Nocolyse/NocoSpray System against the spores of Clostridium sporogenes

COVID-19 Coronavirus and interest to use NocoSpray/ Nocolyse system