Best Airline Disinfectant Spray

Commercial aviation is a vital part of the world economy, connecting people and businesses across great distances. The global airline industry transports more than three billion passengers every year. However, this frequent contact between passengers also presents an opportunity for the spread of infection. Airline infection control is a critical issue to prevent the spread of pathogens.

Keeping the airline industry infection free using the best disinfectant spray

The Perfect Disinfectant for keeping the airline industry safe from all germs and virsues

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Best Airline Disinfectant Spray


NocoSpray Technology is a complete disinfection technology, without the use of harmful chemicals, that destroys 99.999% of all harmful bacteria, viruses, fungus, moulds and yeasts. NocoSpray is a system of delivering MICRO-FINED NOCOLYSE (H2O2) ions to the surface of harmful micro-organisms. When delivered, new compounds are formed, which induce the micro-organism to self destruct, poisoned on their own chlorine. Nocospray leaves no residue, is non corrosive, CASA approved for use in aircraft and is 99.99% bio-degradable within minutes, breaking down into ions of air and water. NocoSpray Total Surface and Air disinfection is the answer to the ever rising threat of the SUPERBUGS, and other exceptionally transmittable organism, such as flu, gastro and virus. 

Best Airline Disinfectant Spray

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